The 12th Bristol-Myers Squibb Nagoya International Cancer Treatment Symposium "New therapeutic strategies for higher cure rates : high-dose therapy and new therapeutic modalities” 4-5 October 1996 Nagoya, Japan
Card's contents:OGAWA, MAKOTO 312.665 BRISTOL-MYERS The 12th Bristol-Myers Squibb Nagoya International Cancer Treatment Symposium "New therapeutic strategies for higher cure rates : high-dose therapy and new therapeutic modalities” 4-5 October 1996 Nagoya, Japan / guest eds. H[idehiko] Saito, Riyuzo] Ohno, M[akoto] Ogawa. -[Berlin ; Heidelberg] Springer, 1997. -118 s. : il., wykr. ; 3 cm. - (Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology, ISSN 0344-5704 ; vol.40, suppl.)