Nobel prizes,presentations, biographies and lectures.Physics: J. H.Van Vleck, P. W. Anderson, N.Mott. Chemistry: I.Prigogine. Physiology or medecine: R.Guillemin, A.V.Schally, R, S.Yalow. Literature: V.Aleixandre.Peace: M. Corrigan,B.Williams, Memorial pr
Card's contents:ODELBERG W./red./ Podr. I 532,081 Les prix Nobel.1977.Nobel prizes,presentations, biographies and lectures.Physics: J. H.Van Vleck, P. W. Anderson, N.Mott. Chemistry: I.Prigogine. Physiology or medecine: R.Guillemin, A.V.Schally, R, S.Yalow. Literature: V.Aleixandre.Peace: M. Corrigan,B.Williams, Memorial prize in economics:J.Meade, B.Ohlin.Red.W.Odelberg, Else-Britt. Stockholm 1978 Almqvist and Wiksell International. 8° s. nlb. 2,345. il.