Fluorescence microscopy of microcirculation in mouse pancreatic islets and renal cortex : effects of cate cholamines, cyclosporine, and calcium antagonists, as well as revascularization after islet transplan tation
Card's contents:546,053 ROOTH PAL Fluorescence microscopy of microcirculation in mouse pancreatic islets and renal cortex : effects of catecholamines, cyclosporine, and calcium antagonists, as well as revascularization after islet transplantation : [thesis]/ by Pal Rooth ; University of Umea. -Umea : University,’.1988. - [4], 102 s. : il., wykr. ; 25 cm? wkł. [2] s. (Umea University Medical Dissertations, ISSN 0346--6612 ; n. s. nr 226) Zawiera również 6 prac współaut. ISBN 91-7174-373-1