Neurobiology of invertebrates
Card's contents:543,066 SALANKI J. /RED./ NEUROBIOLOGY Neurobiology of invertebrates : mechanisms of integration : satellite Symposium of the 26th. International Congress of Physiological Sciences Tihany, Hungary 1980 / ed. J. Salanki. - Budapest : Akademiai Kiado ; /Oxford/ : Pergatnon Press, /1981/. -IX, /1/, 580,1 /1/ s. : il., wykr. ; 25 em /Advances in Physiological Sciences ; vol. 23/ Porgamon Press ISBN 0-03-0264-07 (ser.) ISBN 0-08-027344-0 Akademiai Kiadow ISBN 963-052691-3 ISBN 963-052749-9