The Cough reflex : nerves and mediators in bronchial asthma : two symposia held in Martin, Slovakia, CSSR 10-12 September 1986
Card's contents:297,840 SALAT D. [red.] The Cough reflex : nerves and mediators in bronchial asthma : two symposia held in Martin, Slovakia, CSSR 10-12 September 1986 / ed. by J. G. Widdicombe, J. Korpas, D. Salat. - Oxford : Societas Europaea Physio-logiae Clinicae Respiratoriae, 1987. - 137, [8] s. : il., wykr. ; 30 cm (Bulletin Europeen de Physiopathologie Respiratoire ; vol. 23, suppl. 10)