Secondary hypertension : new aspects in diagnosis and treatmen of renal and adrenal hypertension : Symposium September 28, 1984, Muster, FRG : dedicated to prof. Heinz Losse on the occasion of his 65th birthday
Card's contents:296,892 SECONDARY Secondary hypertension : new aspects in diagnosis and treatmen of renal and adrenal hypertension : Symposium September 28, 1984, Muster, FRG : dedicated to prof. Heinz Losse on the occasion of his 65th birthday / ed. H. Vetter, W. Vetter ; co-ed. M. Fischer, P. Greminger, J. Hauss. — Basel /etc./ : S. Karger AC- 1985. — /2/, IV, 196 s. : il., wykr. ; 26 cm (Cardiology ; suppl. 1) ISBN 3-8055-4079-5