Llathematical models in biology and medicine. Proceedings of the IFIP /International Federation for Information Processing/ TC 4 Working Conference on Mathematical Models in Biology and Medicine Varna,6-11 September 1972
Card's contents:SENDOV Bl. /red./ 526,386 Llathematical models in biology and medicine. Proceedings of the IFIP /International Federation for Information Processing/ TC 4 Working Conference on Mathematical Models in Biology and Medicine Varna,6-11 September 1972. Ed. by N.T.J.Bailey,Bl.Sendov, R. Tsanev. Amsterdam 1974 Horth-Holland Publ.Company; New York,American Elsevier Publ.Company,Inc. 8° s. IX, nlb. 1, 152, il. IFIP /international Federation for Information Processing/