Urgent endoscopy of digestive and abdominal diseases.New fields of gastrointestinal endoscopy.Proceedings of the International Symposium held by the Czechoslovak Society of Gastroenterology and Nutrition and of the Seminar held by the International Societ
Card's contents:518,690 ŠETKA J. /red./ Urgent endoscopy of digestive and abdominal diseases.New fields of gastrointestinal endoscopy.Proceedings of the International Symposium held by the Czechoslovak Society of Gastroenterology and Nutrition and of the Seminar held by the International Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy,Prague and Carlsbad 1971. Sd.: Z.Maratka, J.Setka. Basel 1972 S.Karger 8° s.IX,nlb.3,308, tabl.3, ilustr.