Signalling mechanisms - from transcription factors to oxidative stress s [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on I... ] : fron the membrane to the gene, held at the Island of Spetses, Greece, August 15-27, 1994
Card's contents:552,145 SIGNALLING Signalling mechanisms - from transcription factors to oxidative stress s [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on I... ] : fron the membrane to the gene, held at the Island of Spetses, Greece, August 15-27, 1994] ed/ by Lester Packer, Karel W.A. Wirtz. - [Berlin ; Heidelberg] : Springer publ. in coop, with NATO Sei. Affairs Div., [1995]. - X, 456 s. s il., wykr. ; 24 cm (NATO ASI Series. Ser. H s Cell Biology j vol. 92) ISBN 3-540-59127-3