Histopathology of non-Hodkin's lymphomas
Card's contents:SOEHRING M.550,188 LENNERT KARL, FELLER ALFRED C. Histopathology of non-Hodkin's lymphomas (based on the updated kiel classification) /Karl Lennert and Alfred C. Feller ; with a section on clinical therapy by M. Engelhard and G. Brittinger j transi, by M. Soehring. - 2 compl. rev. ed. - Berlin [etc], s Springer-Verl. ,l,1992J. - XIV, 312 s. i il. , wykr. ; 25 cm ISBN 3-540-51270-5 2 Aufl. Springer-Verl. Berlin [etc.] ISBN 0-387-51270-5 2nd ed. Springer-Veri. Hew York [etc.]