New trends in clinical neuropharmacology : calcium antagonists, acute neurology, headache and movement disorders : proceedings of the Vth European Workshop on Clinical Neuropharmacology, Bratislava, July 6-8, 1987
Card's contents:STERN GERALD 554,584 NEW New trends in clinical neuropharmacology : calcium antagonists, acute neurology, headache and movement disorders : proceedings of the Vth European Workshop on Clinical Neuropharmacology, Bratislava, July 6-8, 1987 / ed. by Daniel Bartko, Peter Turcani, Gerald Stern. - London ; Paris : John Libbey, '-op. 1988. - VI, 348 s. s il. ; 25 cm. - rrent Problems in Neurology ; 7) Bibliogr. przy rozdz ISBN 0-86196-146-3