The superfamily of ras-related genes : [Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Research Workshop on The SuperFamily of Ras-Related Genes, held May 17-21, 1991, in Aghia Pelagia, Crete, Greece]
Card's contents:804,305 SUPERFAMILY The superfamily of ras-related genes : [Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Research Workshop on The SuperFamily of Ras-Related Genes, held May 17-21, 1991, in Aghia Pelagia, Crete, Greece] / ed. by Demetrios A. Spandidos. - New York and London : Plenum Press publ. in. coop, with NATO Scientific Affairs Div. , [1991]. - X, 338 s. : il., wykr. ; 26 cm (NATO ASI Ser. Ser. A : Life Sciences ; vol. 2 20 ISBN 0-306-44085-7