Teicoplanin : laboratory and clinical developments : based largely on papers presented at the Second International Conferece of the Hospital Infection Society, London 2-6 September 1990
Card's contents:306,247 TEICOPLANIN Teicoplanin : laboratory and clinical developments : based largely on papers presented at the Second International Conferece of the Hospital Infection Society, London 2-6 September 1990 / ed. by Peter G. Davey, A. Michael Emmerson, Reuben N. Gruneberg ; ass. by Philip J. Daly. -London [etc.] : Academic Press, 1991. - [2], V, [1], 73s. : wykr. ; 25 cm (The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, ISSN 0305- ; vol. 27, suppl. B)