Tracheobranchial and nasal circulation: Proceedings of the Official Satellite Symposium of the Centennial Congress of The International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS Congress, 9-14 July 1989, Helsinki, Finland) 7-8 July, 1989 Haikko Manor, Porvoo,
Card's contents:312,824 TRACHEOBRONCHIAL Tracheobranchial and nasal circulation: Proceedings of the Official Satellite Symposium of the Centennial Congress of The International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS Congress, 9-14 July 1989, Helsinki, Finland) 7-8 July, 1989 Haikko Manor, Porvoo, Finland /ed. by L.A. Laitinen, R.O. Salonen, J.G. Widdicombe. - [Copenhagen[ : The European Society for Clinical Respiratory Physiology and Munksgaard, [1990[. - S. [4], 557-682 : il. wykr. ; 28 cm. (The European Respiratory Journal, ISSN 0904-1850 ; vol. 3, suppl. 12) ISBN 870-16-14893-2