Cerebral circulatory insufficiency and other neurosurgical problems : Proceedings of the Xlllth annual meeting of Polish Neurosurgical Society Wrocław, 15-17th April 1983.
Card's contents:717,200 WROŃSKI JERZY [red.] Cerebral circulatory insufficiency and other neurosurgical problems : Proceedings of the Xlllth annual meeting of Polish Neurosurgical Society Wrocław, 15-17th April 1983 / editors Jerzy Wroński, Marek Wroński ; Polish Neurosurgical Society, Lower Silesia Branch. -Wrocław : [Oddział Dolnośląski Polskiego Towarzystwa Neurochirurgów], 1987. - XXVI, 559 s. : il., wykr. ; 24 cm sum.