Proceedings of the Second Meeting of the Network on Health and Health Care Financing Strategies Potsdam, Germany 22-23 November 1993
Card's contents:
ŻUKOWSKI TOMASZ PROCEEDINGS 306,358 Proceedings of the Second Meeting of the Network on Health and Health Care Financing Strategies Potsdam, Germany 22-23 November 1993 / eds. W. Cezary Włodarczyk and Jolanta Sabbat with the collab. of Tomasz Żukowski. - [Warszawa : World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe ; Health Care Managers Association Poland], 1994. - 104 s. ; 24 cm (Antidotum Management in the Health Service, ISSN 1230-0969 ; suppl. nr I)
Card's Details
W. Cezary Włodarczyk ,Jolanta Sabbat ,Tomasz Żukowski