Ovarian steroids in rat and human brain : effects of different endocrine states : [akademisk avhandling ]
Card's contents:PRACE DOKTORSKIE - SZWECJA 545,550 BIXO MARIE Ovarian steroids in rat and human brain : effects of different endocrine states : [akademisk avhandling ] by Marie Bixo ; from the Depts of Pathology, Physiology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Geriatric Medicine, Umea Universitet, Sweden. - Umea : Universitet Umea, 1987. - 45, [50] s. [wiele liczb.] : il., wykr ; 25 cm + wkł. [2] s. (Umea University Medical Dissertations : New Series ISSN 0346/6612 ; 203) ISBN 91-7174-313-8 Zawiera również 5 prac współaut.