2-substituted 2-phenylethylamines and N-oxidized congeners : chemistry, metabolism and ligand interactions with cytochrome P-450 : [doctoral thesis]
Card's contents:543,019 PAULSEN-SORMAN ULLA 2-substituted 2-phenylethylamines and N-oxidized congeners : chemistry, metabolism and ligand interactions with cytochrome P-450 : [doctoral thesis] / Ulla Paulsen-Sorman ; [Uppsala University]. - Uppsala : [Repro-centralen, HSC], 1983. - 60 s. : wykr. ; 21 cm (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Abstracts of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Pharmacy, ISSN 0346-6353 ; 87) ISBN 91-554-1461-3