Effects of zinc oxide, rosin and resin acids and their combinations on bacterial growth and inflammatory cells : [thesis]
Card's contents:PRACE DOKTORSKIE - SZWECJA 305,229 SODERBERG THOR A. Effects of zinc oxide, rosin and resin acids and their combinations on bacterial growth and inflammatory cells : [thesis] / by Thor A. Soderberg ; from the Departments of Hand Surgery, Clinical Bacteriology and Pathology, University of Umea, Umea, Sweden. -Umea : [Stockholm] : [Distr. by Almqvist A. Wiksell Intern.], 1990. - 87 s. : wykr. ; 22 cm. (Scandinavian Journal and Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Hand Surgery, ISSN 0284-4311; suppl. 22 1990) (Umea Univ. Med. Dissert Ne ser. nr 280 - ISSN 0346-6612)