Ultra Iow field (0,02T) magnetic resonance imaging of the female pelvis
Card's contents:ANNALES UNXVERSITATIS TURKUENSIS, SER. D MEDICA-ODONTOLOGICA 126 551,516 VARPULA MATTI Ultra Iow field (0,02T) magnetic resonance imaging of the female pelvis / by Matti Varpula ; from the Department of Diagnostic Radiology, University of Turku. - Turku s [Turun Yliopisto], 1993. - 67, [64] s. wiele liczb. : il., wykr. ; 25 cm (Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Ser. D Medica-Odontologica, ISSN 0355-9483 126) Zawiera 6 prac współaut. ISBN 951-29-0021-1