Oxygen radicals : Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Oxygen Radicals: Active Oxygen. Lipid Peroxides and Antioxidants, Kyota, 17-21 November 1991
Card's contents:INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS SER. , NR 998 EXCERPTA MEDICA 550,119 OXYGEN Oxygen radicals : Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Oxygen Radicals: Active Oxygen. Lipid Peroxides and Antioxidants, Kyota, 17-21 November 1991 / eds. Kunio Yagi [et al.]. - Amsterdam [etc.] ; Excerpta Medica, 1992. - XX, 846 s. ; il., wykr.; 25 cm (International Congress Ser. ; Nr 998) ISBN 0-444-89485-3