Health, Safety and Ergonomie Aspects in Use of Chemicals in Agriculture and Forestry : Proceedings of the XII Joint CIGR [Commission Internationale du Genie Rural], IAAMRH, IUFRO [International of Forest Research Organization] International Symposium 8-11
Card's contents:804,543 HEALTH Health, Safety and Ergonomie Aspects in Use of Chemicals in Agriculture and Forestry : Proceedings of the XII Joint CIGR [Commission Internationale du Genie Rural], IAAMRH, IUFRO [International of Forest Research Organization] International Symposium 8-11 June 1993 Kiev, Ukraine / ed. by Y. Kundiev; organized by Kiev Institute for Occupational Health, Kiev, Ukraine. - Kiev : IOH, 1994. - [2], V, 234 s. s il., wykr. ; 25 cm ISBN 951-802-062-0