Neure-etologieal exaaiaation with special refereace to equilibrium fuactiea tests, It was baaed ea the eeateats ef the symposium ea the Problems ia utilizias equilibrium fuaetiea teats as reutiae tests held at the 67th Aaaual Scieatific Meetiag ef the Jap
Card's contents:TAKUYA UEMURA /współaut./ 194,952 Neure-etologieal exaaiaation with special refereace to equilibrium fuactiea tests, It was baaed ea the eeateats ef the symposium ea the Problems ia utilizias equilibrium fuaetiea teats as reutiae tests held at the 67th Aaaual Scieatific Meetiag ef the Japan Oto-Rhine-laryatolegical Society ea May 5.1966 [Aut.] Takuya Uemura [et al.] Tokyo 1977 Igaku Sheim Ltd. 4° s. X,178, il.