Microinvasive lumbar disc surgery : a study on patients treated with microdiscectomy or percutaneous nucleotomy for disc herniation : academic dissertation.
Card's contents:PRACE DOKTORSKIE - FINLANDIA KOTILAINEN ESA 301,678 Microinvasive lumbar disc surgery : a study on patients treated with microdiscectomy or percutaneous nucleotomy for disc herniation : academic dissertation / by Esa Katilainen ; from the Departments of Surgery and Diagnostic Radiology University of Turku and the Department of Neurosurgery Turku University Central Hospital Turku, Finland. - [Helsinki : The Finnish Surgical Society], 1994. -[136] s. wiele liczb. : il., wykr. ; 25 cm (Annales Chirurgiae et Gynecologiae, ISSN 0355-9521 ; vol.83, suppl.209) ISBN 951-96184-5-7