Tachykinin- and bradykinin-induced airflow obstruction and airway microvascular leakage : modulation by neutral endopeptidase and angiotensin converting enzyme : [akademisk avhandling]
Card's contents:PRACE DOKTORSKIE - SZWECJA 551,154 LÓTVALL JAN Tachykinin- and bradykinin-induced airflow obstruction and airway microvascular leakage : modulation by neutral endopeptidase and angiotensin converting enzyme : [akademisk avhandling] / by Jan Lotvall ; Department of Pulmonary University of Goteborg, Sweden. - Goteborg :[University] 1990. -134 s. wiele liczb. : il. , wykr. ; 25 cm ISBN 91-628-0191-0 medicine and Depastment og Clinical pharmacology.