Computers in the care of the mother, fetus and newborn (abstracts)
Treść karty:DUDENHAUSEN JOACHIM W. [red. ] 547,834 Computers in the care of the mother, fetus and newborn (abstracts) : [The Second World Symposium Computers in the Care of the Mother, Fetus and Newborn, Kyoto, Japan, October 23-26, 1989] / founded by Erich Z.Saling ; ed.-in-chief Joachim W. Dudenhausen ; ed. Roberto Caldeyro-Barcia, L. Stanley James, Erich Z. Saling;ass. ed. H.R. Gamsu, R.H. Petrie, G. Scholtes ; managing ed. R. Forster ; ed. board J. Bretscher [et al.];statis tical advice J. Michaelis. - Berlin ; New York :De Gruyter, [1989]. -. 229, [3] s. ; 25 cm (journal of Perinatal Me'dicine, ISSN 0300-5577;vol. 17, suppl. 1, 1989)