Contraception with subdermal implants releasing levo norgestrel : a clinical and pharmacological study
Treść karty:605,528 605,645 OLSSON SVEN ERIC Contraception with subdermal implants releasing levo norgestrel : a clinical and pharmacological study : thesis / Sven Eric Olsson ; from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Uppsala University, Akade miska Sjukhuset, Uppsala, Sweden. — Umea : [Distr. by Acta Obstetricia and Gynecologica Scandinavica], 1987. — 45, [2] s. : il., wykr. ; 25 cm + wkl. 1 s. ; 21 cm (Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica ; suppl. 142) ISBN 91-7626-073-9