Occupational ophthalmology : Proceedings of an Ergophthalmology Symposium held at the Murikka Course Centre, Teisiko, Tampere, Finland on August 6-7, 1983
Treść karty:SAARI K.M. /red./ 542,023 OCCUPATIONAL Occupational ophthalmology : Proceedings of an Ergophthalmo-logy Symposium held at the Murikka Course Centre, Teisiko, Tampere, Finland on August 6—7, 1983 / ed. K. M. Saari. — Copenhagen : Scriptor j Vammala : Vammalan Kirjapaino Oy, 1984. - 159, 1 s. : tabl., !I. ; 24 Acta Ophthalmologica ; suppl. 161 ISBN 87-87473-71-2