Individual-related characteristics and musculoskeletal injuries with special reference to reaction time, mental ability and psychological factors : [thesis]
Treść karty:ANNALES UNIVERSITATIS TURKUENSIS. SER. D. MEDICA-ODONTOLOGICA ; 85 550,811 TAIMELA SIMO Individual-related characteristics and musculoskeletal injuries with special reference to reaction time, mental ability and psychological factors : [thesis] / by Simo Taimela from the Paavo Nurmi Center, Sports Medical Research Unit and the Department of Physiology University of Turku. -Turku :TurunYliopisto , 1991- 59,52s. wiele liczb. ; 25 cm (Annales Universitatis Turkuensis. Ser. D. Medica-Odontologica, ISSN 0355-9483 ;85) Zawiera 6 prac wspólaut. ISBN 951-880-689-6