Human growth and physical development.
Treść karty:DOKLADAL MILAN /red./ 531,240 Human growth and physical development.Paper» presented at the Svmpesia in Living Man of the XIII.Czechoslovak Anthropological Congress with International Participation held in Brno CCzechoslovakiaJfSeptember 1.-5.1975 the J.E.Purkyne University,Brno...Ed.Milan Dokladal. Brno 1976 J.E.Purkyne University, Medical Faculty 8° s. 533,nlb.2,il.,sum.,»ouhrn, rez.Zsfg.Acta Facultatis Medicae Universita-tis Brunensis 57 [druga k.tyt.w jęz.czes., tekst czesc.w jęz.czes.,ang.niem.,,ros./.