Colo-proctology : /Proceedings of the Anglo-Swiss Colo-Proctol gy Meeting Laussanne, May 19/20, 1983/ /
Treść karty:GIVEL FREDERIC /red./ 544,114 COLO-PROCTO LOGY Colo-proctology : /Proceedings of the Anglo-Swiss Colo-Proctol gy Meeting Laussanne, May 19/20, 1983/ / ed. by J.-Cl/aude/ Givel and F/rederic/ Saegesser ; with contributions by N. V. Addison /etc./. - Berlin /etc./ Springer Verl., 1984. - XII, 182 s. : il., wykr. ; 25 cm ISBN 3-540-12557 Springer-Veri. Berlin /etc./ ISBN 0-387-12557-4 Springer-Veri. New York /etc./