New pharmacological approaches to the therapy of depressive disorders : Inaugural Workshop and Inaugural Session of The European Decade of Brain Research, Brussels, Septamber 21-23, 1992
Treść karty:INTERNATINAL ACADEMY FOR BIOMEDICAL AND DRUG RESE- ARCH ; VOL. 5 550,488 NEW New pharmacological approaches to the therapy of depressive disorders : Inaugural Workshop and Inaugural Session of The European Decade of Brain Research, Brussels, Septamber 21-23, 1992 /vol. ed. J. Mendlewicz [et al]. - Basel [etc.] : Karger, 1993. - VI, 195 s. : il., wykr. ; 25 cm (Intematinal Academy for Biomedical and Drug Research ; vol. 5) ISBN 3-8055-5746-9