Nestling mortality of granivorous birds due to microorganisms and toxic substances : [proceedings of International Symposium of the working group on granivorous birds, INTECOL held in the Słupsk, Poland September 14-17, 1989]
Treść karty:KAVANAGH B. P. [red.] 719,687 NESTLING Nestling mortality of granivorous birds due to microorganisms and toxic substances : [proceedings of International Symposium of the working group on granivorous birds, INTECOL held in the Słupsk, Poland September 14-17, 1989] /eds. J. Pinowski, B. P. Kavanagh and W. Górski ; Polish Academy of Sciences Department of Vertebrate Ecology [et al.]. - Warszawa : PWN - Polish Scientific Publ. [1990]. - 204 s. : wykr. ; 24 cm ISBN 83-01-10476-7