Regional myocardial 18-FDG uptake for the assessment of tissue viability by positron emission tomography
Treść karty:550,849 KNUTI JUHANI Regional myocardial 18-FDG uptake for the assessment of tissue viability by positron emission tomography : with special reference to the metabolic milieu, insulin resistance and image analysis methods: [thesis] / by Juhani Knuuti j from the Departments of Clinical Physiology, Nuclear Medicine, Medicine and the Cyclotron-PET Center University of Turku. -Turku : [Turun Yliopisto], 1993. - 84, 60 s. wiele liczb. : wykr. ; 25 cm (Annales Universitatis Turkuensis Ser D Medi-ca-Odontologica, ISSN 0355-9483 : 125) ISBN 951-29-0019-X