Hepatobiliary and pancreatic malignancies
Treść karty:LYGIDAJKIS N.J. [red.] 298,883 Hepatobiliary and pancreatic malignancies : diagnosis, medical and surgical management / ed. by N.J. Lygida-kis and G.N.J. Tytgat ; with the cooperation of M.N. van der Heyde, [et al.] ; forew. by D.B. Skiner ; [with contributions by K.R. Aigner et al.]. -Stuttgart ; New York : Georg Thieme Verlag, New York : Thieme Medical Publ. Inc., 1989. - XIV, 458 s. : il., wykr. ; 28 cm ISBN 3-13-724701-2 (GTV) ISBN 0-86577-327-0 (TMP)