The Mammalian cochlear nuclei : organization and function : [proceedings of a NATO Advaced Research Workshop on held September 14-17, 1991,in Salamanca, Spain]
Treść karty:MERCHáN MIGUEL A. 803,615 MAMMALIAN The Mammalian cochlear nuclei : organization and function : [proceedings of a NATO Advaced Research Workshop on held September 14-17, 1991,in Salamanca, Spain] / ed. by Miguel A. Merchan [et al]. - New York ; London : Plenum Press, publ. in coop, with NATO Scientific Affairs Division, [1993]. - XIV, 517 s., [3] s. tabl. : il., wykr. ; 26 cm (NATO ASI Ser.. Ser. A : Life Sciences ; vol. 239) ISBN 0-306-44406-2