The physiology and pathophysiology of exercise tolerance : International Symposium Septem ber 2 1-24 1994 Ulm, Germany
Treść karty:PHYSIOLOGY 302,197 The physiology and pathophysiology of exercise tolerance : International Symposium September 21-24 1994 Ulm, Germany / [Scientific Comm. Gernot Badtke et al ; Org. Comm. Yuefei Liu et al] ; org. by University of Ulm Dept, of Sports Medicine ; St. George's Hospital Medical School Dept, of Physiology London. - [Berlin ; Heildeberg : Springer-Veri.], 1994. - 46 s. ; 28 cm (European Journal of Applied Physiology, ISSN 0301-5548 ; vol.69, nr 3, suppl.)