Human genetic information : science , law and ethics : [Sym posium on . . . held . . . Bern , Switzerland , 20-22 June 1989
Treść karty:WHELAN JULIE [red.] 547,750 Human genetic information : science , law and ethics : [Sym posium on . . . held . . . Bern , Switzerland , 20-22 June 1989 / ed . Derek Chadwick , Greg Bock and JulieWhelan ] ; AWiley- Interscience Publication . - Chichester[ etc . ] : John Wiley and Sons , [ 1 9 9 0 ] . - I X , [ 1 ] , 211 s . ; 2 4 cm ( Ciba Foundation Sym posium ; 1 4 9 ) ISBN 0-471-92624-8