IgE [immunoglobulins E ] mast cells and the allergic response : [Sym posium on . . . held at the Ciba Foundatj London , 11-13 April 1989
Treść karty:WHELAN JULIE [red.] 546,886 IgE [immunoglobulins E ] mast cells and the allergic response : [Sym posium on . . . held at the Ciba Foundatj London , 11-13 April 1989 / E d . Derek Chadwick , David Evered and Julie Whelan ] . - Chichester [ e t c . ] : John W ile y and Sons , 1 9 8 9 . - I X , [ 1 ] , 2 8 2 s. : i l . , w y k r . ; 24 cm ( Ciba Foundation Symposium ; 147) ISBN 0-471-92309-5