Disposition of metallic mercury vapor and mercuric chloride in adult and fetal tissues s influence of pretreatment with ethyl alcohol, aminotriazole, selenium, and tellurium
Treść karty:605,280 KHAYAT AMIR IBRAHEEM Disposition of metallic mercury vapor and mercuric chloride in adult and fetal tissues s influence of pretreatment with ethyl alcohol, aminotriazole, selenium, and tellurium : /doctoral thesis/ / by Amir Ibraheem Khayat ; /Uppsala University/. — Uppsala : Academiae Upsaliensis, 1985. - 47 s. : II., wykr. ; 21 cm (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis : Abstracts of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Pharmacy, ISSN 0346-6353 ; 107) ISBN 91-554-1706-X