Astrocytes, neurotransraitters and valproate : a study with reference to uptake kinetics and receptor evoked Ca2+ transients in astroglial primary culture : [akademisk avhandling]
Treść karty:PRACE DOKTORSKIE - SZWECJA 551,179 NILSSON MICHAEL Astrocytes, neurotransraitters and valproate : a study with reference to uptake kinetics and receptor evoked Ca2+ transients in astroglial primary culture : [akademisk avhandling] / by Michael Nilsson ; from the Institute of Neurology, Department of Histology, University of Göteborg, Sweden. - Göteborg : University, 1992. - 117 s. wiele liczb. : il., wykr. ; 25 cm Zawiera 7 prac współaut. ISBN 91-628-0528-2